F**ked up life.
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 20, 2012 AT 7:14 AM \\
In a super down mood since last night. I HATE it when my plans get disrupted because of work. I know what a lot of you will say - that this is life. It's unfair so just suck it up. WHATEVER. Sometimes I read other people's blogs and snigger when they complain about how tough their life is, yet I'm doing exactly the same thing now...whining about how unhappy I am and how difficult my life is.:(
Hopefully I'll feel better when I'm back. I'm honestly sick of the irregular hours and not having enough rest because I'm trying to juggle so many things. The things I use to enjoy doing have become a chore including yoga. I'm usually tired and find it hard to concentrate. *sigh* I miss the carefree days. I miss freedom. I miss being able to do nothing and I guess this is the selfish brat in me talking now. K thanks bye.
Hopefully I'll feel better when I'm back. I'm honestly sick of the irregular hours and not having enough rest because I'm trying to juggle so many things. The things I use to enjoy doing have become a chore including yoga. I'm usually tired and find it hard to concentrate. *sigh* I miss the carefree days. I miss freedom. I miss being able to do nothing and I guess this is the selfish brat in me talking now. K thanks bye.
POSTED ON Sunday, November 18, 2012 AT 4:00 PM \\
Neglected this space for waayyy too long again-_-". I miss the days when I didn't have to work and I had so much energy for everything else. Now I'm always so lethargic and for what? Just to earn more $$ and pay for my house. I hate SG sometimes. Everything is so expensive and it's so hot and crowded. There are times when I thought of living on a boat and harvesting tree bark for a living. LOL.
Anyway, pictures from my short trip to Tokyo.

I always go crazy at this shop called Matsumoto-Kiyoshi when I'm there cuz their selection of beauty products is endless...you can find all sorts of brands there, from the budget friendly ones like Kate, Integrate and Majorlica to high end ones like Aube and Shiseido. Japan rocks! I was quite good this time though, only bought a few items including this EGF face mask (40 pieces in one bag wtf!) and the Dollywink eyeliner because I couldn't resist the super cute packaging. I'm such a sucker...
I bought tons of snacks...spent like about $100 just on snacks alone. Unfortunately I was feeling really tired so I ended my shopping early and went back to the hotel to rest after my tonkatsu lunch. Rice and miso soup refillable plus ice tea on the house! It was so yummy too. I'm so going back to Tokyo for a real vacation next time.
The date for my solemnization has been set and it was time for X and I to go shop for our wedding bands. Thank god I didn't leave it to the last minute cuz our rings had to be customized, my ring size is super small lol.
I'm quite happy with getting something simple. After all I don't like fuss and hassle and to me, nothing else really quite matters because you can have the most outrageous proposal at the top of Eiffel Tower, the most lavish of all wedding dinners, the fanciest wedding dress from Vera Wang or the biggest solitaire diamond ring on your finger, but it's just fluff if the two of you aren't on the same page. I've seen marriages come and go, and I went through heartbreak myself so all I want is to find someone who's willing to embrace me, flaws and all. To hell with all the bullshit about throwing a big wedding bash and wearing a fancy dress. BAH.
Met up with Crystal as well for a brief lunch whilst we chatted (or bitched) about life and random stuff. We don't always take pictures but here's one that she sent to me.
We had lunch at Kungfu Paradise and she introduced me to the french toast with peanut butter and maple syrup. The toast was good but food was disappointing. I promptly went back there the next day and tried the toast with ice-cream.
I love their french toast with ice-cream! It was soooo good. Definitely going back just to fix my craving for this.
Many good things have happened to me recently, and I'm really thankful. X came back from Munich with gifts for me.
In case you're wondering, it's a wallet in the Bottega box and that's the Chanel Reissue bag. It was really unnecessary for X to get me a new wallet because my current one is only like 6 months old which was also a gift from him. I feel so bad that X is always buying me gifts and I know that he is spoiling me. I love the bag even though it's a tad small. It goes with every single outfit I swear!
My parents bought a 'wedding' gift for me too.
The watch looks really gorgeous in real life! This pic doesn't really do it justice. I've been saying that I wanted a black/metal watch for a while now and this is just perfect.
It's almost the end of 2012 now, and this year has been good to me most the time. No major upheavals both personally and professionally, and I hope to end this year on a high and start next year with a big bang! *fingers crossed*
Before I finish, here are some obligatory camwhore shots!
Cya next time ta!
Anyway, pictures from my short trip to Tokyo.

I always go crazy at this shop called Matsumoto-Kiyoshi when I'm there cuz their selection of beauty products is endless...you can find all sorts of brands there, from the budget friendly ones like Kate, Integrate and Majorlica to high end ones like Aube and Shiseido. Japan rocks! I was quite good this time though, only bought a few items including this EGF face mask (40 pieces in one bag wtf!) and the Dollywink eyeliner because I couldn't resist the super cute packaging. I'm such a sucker...
I bought tons of snacks...spent like about $100 just on snacks alone. Unfortunately I was feeling really tired so I ended my shopping early and went back to the hotel to rest after my tonkatsu lunch. Rice and miso soup refillable plus ice tea on the house! It was so yummy too. I'm so going back to Tokyo for a real vacation next time.
The date for my solemnization has been set and it was time for X and I to go shop for our wedding bands. Thank god I didn't leave it to the last minute cuz our rings had to be customized, my ring size is super small lol.
I'm quite happy with getting something simple. After all I don't like fuss and hassle and to me, nothing else really quite matters because you can have the most outrageous proposal at the top of Eiffel Tower, the most lavish of all wedding dinners, the fanciest wedding dress from Vera Wang or the biggest solitaire diamond ring on your finger, but it's just fluff if the two of you aren't on the same page. I've seen marriages come and go, and I went through heartbreak myself so all I want is to find someone who's willing to embrace me, flaws and all. To hell with all the bullshit about throwing a big wedding bash and wearing a fancy dress. BAH.
Met up with Crystal as well for a brief lunch whilst we chatted (or bitched) about life and random stuff. We don't always take pictures but here's one that she sent to me.
We had lunch at Kungfu Paradise and she introduced me to the french toast with peanut butter and maple syrup. The toast was good but food was disappointing. I promptly went back there the next day and tried the toast with ice-cream.
I love their french toast with ice-cream! It was soooo good. Definitely going back just to fix my craving for this.
Many good things have happened to me recently, and I'm really thankful. X came back from Munich with gifts for me.
In case you're wondering, it's a wallet in the Bottega box and that's the Chanel Reissue bag. It was really unnecessary for X to get me a new wallet because my current one is only like 6 months old which was also a gift from him. I feel so bad that X is always buying me gifts and I know that he is spoiling me. I love the bag even though it's a tad small. It goes with every single outfit I swear!
My parents bought a 'wedding' gift for me too.
The watch looks really gorgeous in real life! This pic doesn't really do it justice. I've been saying that I wanted a black/metal watch for a while now and this is just perfect.
It's almost the end of 2012 now, and this year has been good to me most the time. No major upheavals both personally and professionally, and I hope to end this year on a high and start next year with a big bang! *fingers crossed*
Before I finish, here are some obligatory camwhore shots!
Cya next time ta!