My 1st cycling expedition with Mr. X
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 24, 2009 AT 8:06 PM \\
X and I decided to do something different on Sat, so we went cycling @ Pasir Ris Park.
We rented a tandem bike which I had not ridden in ages, and at the end of our cycling trip I told X that I'm never riding tandem with him ever again. He likes to scare me by riding too fast. *BLEAH*

Hee be honest my butt felt sore after the ride. But I had fun with X =D
So after working up an appetite with our cycling, we indulged in a muddy mud pie from Coffee Club.

So basically whatever fats I burned off from cycling & yoga that day, I put it back on right away. No wonder I feel fat. Arghhh. It's seriously time for me to start jogging again.
I feel like a ticking time-bomb...
POSTED ON Thursday, November 19, 2009 AT 6:27 PM \\
I had 4 good days with X when he was back last week. We watched a total of 3 movies - 'Paranormal Activity', 'My Girlfriend is an Agent' & '2012' so it's movie review time!
First up, I have to admit that 'Paranormal Activity' spooked me. I'm not exactly a horror-fan but I decided to watch the movie just to see what the hype was all about. The movie wasn't that scary whilst I was watching it in the cinema, but it was when I got home that night that the scenes from the film started to haunt me. I was creeped out by any weird noises I heard in bed that night so I didn't get any sleep
at all. Thankfully I recovered pretty soon by the next day. My verdict? 7 out of 10 on my spook-o-meter.
'My Girlfriend is an Agent' was to me, rather crappy. There were a few laughs but most of the intended funny parts fell short & just turned out lame. The pacing was a mess as well & can the Koreans pls come up with more creative movie titles next time? It's always something associated with 'my girlfriend is a _______'. (Just fill in the blanks yourself.)
2012, one of the blockbuster movies of the year, was pretty much a run-of-the-mill disaster movie. To summarize - it wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good either. I find it baffling that John Cusack's character was actually able to survive all the earth quakes, volcano eruptions etc...but then again I dun think I'm supposed to be looking for realism in a movie.
I also realise that due to the school hols, the theaters are more crowded and hence there are more nuisances around, for e.g. people who can't shut up during a movie. It really pisses me off when some idiots decide to have a conversation halfway through the show and think that other patrons can't hear their chatter. Do these ppl think that the cinema is a cafe or something?
I digress. I enjoyed watching those movies with X anyway cuz all I want is to spend time with him.
This is the 5th day X has been away & I admit I'm getting really impatient & highly irritable due to his constant absences. In fact I had a really stupid fight with him over skype last night & I just hate it when we're unhappy. I've been such a bi*ch & he doesn't deserve such crap from me so when he's back I'm definitely going to make it up to him=)
Just can't wait for him to come back tmr!
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 10, 2009 AT 2:13 AM \\
*yippee!* X will be back today!
I never knew 10 days could feel this long, but at long last I get to spend time with X later=D
I had a peaceful but frutiful weekend - starting off with my weekly yoga session followed by a girls' nite out with Liping whom I haven't seen in a month, and ending with some major spring-cleaning on Sunday.
I acquiesced to watching 'Love Happens'
with Liping cuz I didn't really have any particular movie in mind & peg me as a hardened cynic if you wish, but such sappy dramatic movies abt finding 'love' really ain't my cup of tea. Sure I believe in love, but not the movie-perfect love that's often dramatised with usually (or unusually) 2 good-looking people who ends up together after experiencing some enlightenment. In this particular movie , the enlightenment comes in the form of setting a darn parrot free. *rolls eyes*
I'm rating this movie 3 stars with Jennifer Aniston, & prob half a star less if Jen wasn't in the show. It may be a typical story, but it's watchable since the choice of good movies are pretty much limited right now. Guys, bring your date to this movie, & you may score brownie points by pretending to be the SNAG who appreciates the sappiness of it all(unless of course, your date happens to be someone like me).
When I woke up on Sun, I decided to get rid all the old bags that I've never used or stopped using. As it turns out, spring-cleaning really is good for the soul. I felt such a great sense of satisfaction after I was finished because I could finally shut the cabinet doors properly. My chair which used to hold a mountain of bags on top can finally be used for sitting haha! This 'decluttering' really felt so good. As for what I was chucking out, the Salvation Army will be coming to collect the stuff so they won't go to waste.
This will probably be my last update for awhile, since I'll be busy spending the next few days with X. But I'll be back!
POSTED ON Friday, November 6, 2009 AT 10:57 PM \\
I hate to sound like a whiner, but i miss X. ALOT=(
Houston has free internet so we've been able to skype each other for the past 2 days but there's something abt communicating & seeing each other on the cold, impersonal computer screen that makes me miss him even more.
I always feel damn sad when he has to leave or go to sleep and we have to hang up.
To make matters worse, we only have one more day of skype after this cuz he'll be off to frigging Moscow where there won't be any free internet.
I know this is difficult for X too, so i try not to complain as much as i did before.
Countdown to X's return: 3 more days!
POSTED ON Sunday, November 1, 2009 AT 4:23 PM \\
X was ard the past 3 days of which 2 and a half were spent with me & now he's gone AGAIN. *sigh* I used to resent the fact that he's away so often but i think i'm kinda getting past that negative feeling & now i'm more focused on having quality time together with him instead.
We went to catch 'The Hurt Locker' on Thursday. It was X's suggestion & i kinda went along with it for 2 reasons even though i'm hardly a fan of war-related movies. First, the movie received pretty good reviews & second, there wasn't any other good movies anyway. It's a gripping show, i didn't lurrrve it but i do think it's worth watching compared to movies like 'Poker King' or B-grade slasher flicks like 'Halloween'. *rolls eyes*
I had my weekly yoga class yesterday sans Mom cuz she had work so it was just me & my sis. I think it's really good to have companions for things like these cuz it gives u more motivation. I'm feeling the benefits of yoga on my own well-being & i'm definitely going to continue practising. The teacher demonstrated a series of yoga moves yesterday and it's really a display of strength+grace. I was awed by this pose:
Power! I'm going to make it my goal to be able to do this. It's called the 'crow' by the way. Then i had an event last nite which got screwed by the rain. The alfresco dining area was empty due to the rain which kept everybody indoors so what was meant to be an outdoor event was rapidly destroyed. We spent practically the entire time just sitting ard, having some drinks and a few bites of finger food. So i guessed the rain sorta did us a favor in the end, cuz we didn't do much at all but we still get paid for it.
Countdown to X's return: 9 more days!
My 1st cycling expedition with Mr. X
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 24, 2009 AT 8:06 PM \\
X and I decided to do something different on Sat, so we went cycling @ Pasir Ris Park.
We rented a tandem bike which I had not ridden in ages, and at the end of our cycling trip I told X that I'm never riding tandem with him ever again. He likes to scare me by riding too fast. *BLEAH*

Hee be honest my butt felt sore after the ride. But I had fun with X =D
So after working up an appetite with our cycling, we indulged in a muddy mud pie from Coffee Club.

So basically whatever fats I burned off from cycling & yoga that day, I put it back on right away. No wonder I feel fat. Arghhh. It's seriously time for me to start jogging again.
I feel like a ticking time-bomb...
POSTED ON Thursday, November 19, 2009 AT 6:27 PM \\
I had 4 good days with X when he was back last week. We watched a total of 3 movies - 'Paranormal Activity', 'My Girlfriend is an Agent' & '2012' so it's movie review time!
First up, I have to admit that 'Paranormal Activity' spooked me. I'm not exactly a horror-fan but I decided to watch the movie just to see what the hype was all about. The movie wasn't that scary whilst I was watching it in the cinema, but it was when I got home that night that the scenes from the film started to haunt me. I was creeped out by any weird noises I heard in bed that night so I didn't get any sleep
at all. Thankfully I recovered pretty soon by the next day. My verdict? 7 out of 10 on my spook-o-meter.
'My Girlfriend is an Agent' was to me, rather crappy. There were a few laughs but most of the intended funny parts fell short & just turned out lame. The pacing was a mess as well & can the Koreans pls come up with more creative movie titles next time? It's always something associated with 'my girlfriend is a _______'. (Just fill in the blanks yourself.)
2012, one of the blockbuster movies of the year, was pretty much a run-of-the-mill disaster movie. To summarize - it wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good either. I find it baffling that John Cusack's character was actually able to survive all the earth quakes, volcano eruptions etc...but then again I dun think I'm supposed to be looking for realism in a movie.
I also realise that due to the school hols, the theaters are more crowded and hence there are more nuisances around, for e.g. people who can't shut up during a movie. It really pisses me off when some idiots decide to have a conversation halfway through the show and think that other patrons can't hear their chatter. Do these ppl think that the cinema is a cafe or something?
I digress. I enjoyed watching those movies with X anyway cuz all I want is to spend time with him.
This is the 5th day X has been away & I admit I'm getting really impatient & highly irritable due to his constant absences. In fact I had a really stupid fight with him over skype last night & I just hate it when we're unhappy. I've been such a bi*ch & he doesn't deserve such crap from me so when he's back I'm definitely going to make it up to him=)
Just can't wait for him to come back tmr!
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 10, 2009 AT 2:13 AM \\
*yippee!* X will be back today!
I never knew 10 days could feel this long, but at long last I get to spend time with X later=D
I had a peaceful but frutiful weekend - starting off with my weekly yoga session followed by a girls' nite out with Liping whom I haven't seen in a month, and ending with some major spring-cleaning on Sunday.
I acquiesced to watching 'Love Happens'
with Liping cuz I didn't really have any particular movie in mind & peg me as a hardened cynic if you wish, but such sappy dramatic movies abt finding 'love' really ain't my cup of tea. Sure I believe in love, but not the movie-perfect love that's often dramatised with usually (or unusually) 2 good-looking people who ends up together after experiencing some enlightenment. In this particular movie , the enlightenment comes in the form of setting a darn parrot free. *rolls eyes*
I'm rating this movie 3 stars with Jennifer Aniston, & prob half a star less if Jen wasn't in the show. It may be a typical story, but it's watchable since the choice of good movies are pretty much limited right now. Guys, bring your date to this movie, & you may score brownie points by pretending to be the SNAG who appreciates the sappiness of it all(unless of course, your date happens to be someone like me).
When I woke up on Sun, I decided to get rid all the old bags that I've never used or stopped using. As it turns out, spring-cleaning really is good for the soul. I felt such a great sense of satisfaction after I was finished because I could finally shut the cabinet doors properly. My chair which used to hold a mountain of bags on top can finally be used for sitting haha! This 'decluttering' really felt so good. As for what I was chucking out, the Salvation Army will be coming to collect the stuff so they won't go to waste.
This will probably be my last update for awhile, since I'll be busy spending the next few days with X. But I'll be back!
POSTED ON Friday, November 6, 2009 AT 10:57 PM \\
I hate to sound like a whiner, but i miss X. ALOT=(
Houston has free internet so we've been able to skype each other for the past 2 days but there's something abt communicating & seeing each other on the cold, impersonal computer screen that makes me miss him even more.
I always feel damn sad when he has to leave or go to sleep and we have to hang up.
To make matters worse, we only have one more day of skype after this cuz he'll be off to frigging Moscow where there won't be any free internet.
I know this is difficult for X too, so i try not to complain as much as i did before.
Countdown to X's return: 3 more days!
POSTED ON Sunday, November 1, 2009 AT 4:23 PM \\
X was ard the past 3 days of which 2 and a half were spent with me & now he's gone AGAIN. *sigh* I used to resent the fact that he's away so often but i think i'm kinda getting past that negative feeling & now i'm more focused on having quality time together with him instead.
We went to catch 'The Hurt Locker' on Thursday. It was X's suggestion & i kinda went along with it for 2 reasons even though i'm hardly a fan of war-related movies. First, the movie received pretty good reviews & second, there wasn't any other good movies anyway. It's a gripping show, i didn't lurrrve it but i do think it's worth watching compared to movies like 'Poker King' or B-grade slasher flicks like 'Halloween'. *rolls eyes*
I had my weekly yoga class yesterday sans Mom cuz she had work so it was just me & my sis. I think it's really good to have companions for things like these cuz it gives u more motivation. I'm feeling the benefits of yoga on my own well-being & i'm definitely going to continue practising. The teacher demonstrated a series of yoga moves yesterday and it's really a display of strength+grace. I was awed by this pose:
Power! I'm going to make it my goal to be able to do this. It's called the 'crow' by the way. Then i had an event last nite which got screwed by the rain. The alfresco dining area was empty due to the rain which kept everybody indoors so what was meant to be an outdoor event was rapidly destroyed. We spent practically the entire time just sitting ard, having some drinks and a few bites of finger food. So i guessed the rain sorta did us a favor in the end, cuz we didn't do much at all but we still get paid for it.
Countdown to X's return: 9 more days!
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
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