F1 Rocks? Not exactly.
POSTED ON Tuesday, September 29, 2009 AT 11:46 AM \\
I'm damn happy & relieved that F1 Singapore is finally over & I never EVER wanna work as a grid gal ever again. It may seem like an easy job to others cuz we only 'appear' for like 40mins prior to the race, but we were actually at the circuit since 9.30 in the morning working for the support races as well.
We also had to go through training to teach us how to march in formation to the pit & take our positions and we kena scolding if we screwed up during training. Plus we were roasted under the hot sun during the support races and I seriously thought my boots were gonna combust cuz it was really burning hot standing under the sun. There wasn't any form of transport to bring us from point A to B within the circuit so we had to
walk in our high heels to & fro and OMG, my feet hurt so bad i wanted to cry. It really is damn bad. I have a huge blister on the sole of my right foot to prove it.
On the other hand, it is indeed exciting to see all the F1 drivers up close and it gives u this surge of adrenaline. I was holding the board with the driver's name & car number on the pit and it was for Jensen Button! I was quite happy cuz he's like currently leading the championship. Woohoo! But he didn't even glance at me or Sam when we were holding his board & flag for him=/ I guess we're like
insignificant la. Whatever!
My picture's also on the official F1 website, was quite surprised & happy to see it there. Here it is:

Looks glam but its not. It's a tiring, hot, sweaty & disgusting job. I could feel beads of my perspiration trickling down my hairline and my makeup melting just standing there. But still I'm glad for this once in a lifetime experience. ONCE in a lifetime - I really wouldn't wanna do it a second time!
A few more pics coming up...will upload next time.
POSTED ON Wednesday, September 23, 2009 AT 9:58 AM \\
I feel as though i've dropped off the face of Earth for the past few days. No work, no checking of email, just eat, sleep, laze & play. Only got bothered by a pesky phonecall from some idiot who refused to make his identity known even though HE was the one who called me. Duh.
It felt so good not having to worry abt anything for that few days. My family celebrated my mom's bday with a ktv session at Kbox followed by a buffet dinner. I spent another day just curling up in bed reading a mystery thriller and then another day with Mr. X. We had lunch & watched 'The Ugly Truth' which had a predictable storyline with some laughs.
But now i'm back to reality & i'm stuck. It's like i know what i want but some irrational fear & worry is just stopping me from getting there. I really need to stop procrastinating because if i don't make that 1st move, nothing's ever gonna change & i just end up making myself unhappy.
The old Mr. X would simply tell me 'I dun see what's so difficult' etc which would piss me off cuz i would think that he didn't understand. But i realised now he was just telling me as it is, insensitive as it may be. Thankfully he's been more understanding of my anxieties since we patched things up & i know it's really up to myself to do something to change/improve the situation instead of bit*hing abt it.
POSTED ON Monday, September 14, 2009 AT 2:21 PM \\
I haven't been blogging for the past 2 weeks or so & then now i see that the problem of not being able to upload photos is back.
Nvm. Since i went back to work i haven't had time to upload my photos from my BKK trip as well.
I didn't really go crazy on the shopping in BKK cuz i'm really tight on wardrobe space at home. I did buy some stuff that i'd definitely wear such as tank tops & sandals, plus a few bags. Everything there cost like 100-200 baht only, which is only at most S$10. SO freaking cheappp!!! I'm definitely going back there again soon! My dad was quite sporting abt tagging along during our shopping sprees - he managed to survive 2 hrs @ Chatuchak, which is considered quite a feat haha.
Emotionally, things r shaky at best. For the curious - X & i have decided to work things out & i know alot of effort will have to come from me. No more empty promises & no more taking him for granted. Remember the scene in 'Sex & the City: The Movie' when Carrie saw Big at the end & the moment they saw each other they embraced & somehow knew that everything btwn them wld be alright? I wish i feel that way but i don't cuz life really isn't like a movie. Nonetheless i'm really willing to make things work, as i've said so umpteen times in my blog.
During my break from work i had alot of time to reflect & whilst i dun really hv a perfect answer to explain what has happened to me, I do realise that i allowed alot of my problems to accumulate which finally caused me to breakdown. The main thing i need to do now is to take care of my emotional well-being before tackling anything else. I should learn to recognise possible triggers & build up my defense against them. Thankfully the research i've read mentioned that emotional stability will improve over time & eventually most ppl grow out of such emotional problems. That kinda makes me feel positive.
I'm really thankful that i have the support of my family & friends, & i'm also glad that Mr. X hasn't given up on me either - cuz i'm not sure i would be as magnaminous if i were in his shoes.
F1 Rocks? Not exactly.
POSTED ON Tuesday, September 29, 2009 AT 11:46 AM \\
I'm damn happy & relieved that F1 Singapore is finally over & I never EVER wanna work as a grid gal ever again. It may seem like an easy job to others cuz we only 'appear' for like 40mins prior to the race, but we were actually at the circuit since 9.30 in the morning working for the support races as well.
We also had to go through training to teach us how to march in formation to the pit & take our positions and we kena scolding if we screwed up during training. Plus we were roasted under the hot sun during the support races and I seriously thought my boots were gonna combust cuz it was really burning hot standing under the sun. There wasn't any form of transport to bring us from point A to B within the circuit so we had to
walk in our high heels to & fro and OMG, my feet hurt so bad i wanted to cry. It really is damn bad. I have a huge blister on the sole of my right foot to prove it.
On the other hand, it is indeed exciting to see all the F1 drivers up close and it gives u this surge of adrenaline. I was holding the board with the driver's name & car number on the pit and it was for Jensen Button! I was quite happy cuz he's like currently leading the championship. Woohoo! But he didn't even glance at me or Sam when we were holding his board & flag for him=/ I guess we're like
insignificant la. Whatever!
My picture's also on the official F1 website, was quite surprised & happy to see it there. Here it is:

Looks glam but its not. It's a tiring, hot, sweaty & disgusting job. I could feel beads of my perspiration trickling down my hairline and my makeup melting just standing there. But still I'm glad for this once in a lifetime experience. ONCE in a lifetime - I really wouldn't wanna do it a second time!
A few more pics coming up...will upload next time.
POSTED ON Wednesday, September 23, 2009 AT 9:58 AM \\
I feel as though i've dropped off the face of Earth for the past few days. No work, no checking of email, just eat, sleep, laze & play. Only got bothered by a pesky phonecall from some idiot who refused to make his identity known even though HE was the one who called me. Duh.
It felt so good not having to worry abt anything for that few days. My family celebrated my mom's bday with a ktv session at Kbox followed by a buffet dinner. I spent another day just curling up in bed reading a mystery thriller and then another day with Mr. X. We had lunch & watched 'The Ugly Truth' which had a predictable storyline with some laughs.
But now i'm back to reality & i'm stuck. It's like i know what i want but some irrational fear & worry is just stopping me from getting there. I really need to stop procrastinating because if i don't make that 1st move, nothing's ever gonna change & i just end up making myself unhappy.
The old Mr. X would simply tell me 'I dun see what's so difficult' etc which would piss me off cuz i would think that he didn't understand. But i realised now he was just telling me as it is, insensitive as it may be. Thankfully he's been more understanding of my anxieties since we patched things up & i know it's really up to myself to do something to change/improve the situation instead of bit*hing abt it.
POSTED ON Monday, September 14, 2009 AT 2:21 PM \\
I haven't been blogging for the past 2 weeks or so & then now i see that the problem of not being able to upload photos is back.
Nvm. Since i went back to work i haven't had time to upload my photos from my BKK trip as well.
I didn't really go crazy on the shopping in BKK cuz i'm really tight on wardrobe space at home. I did buy some stuff that i'd definitely wear such as tank tops & sandals, plus a few bags. Everything there cost like 100-200 baht only, which is only at most S$10. SO freaking cheappp!!! I'm definitely going back there again soon! My dad was quite sporting abt tagging along during our shopping sprees - he managed to survive 2 hrs @ Chatuchak, which is considered quite a feat haha.
Emotionally, things r shaky at best. For the curious - X & i have decided to work things out & i know alot of effort will have to come from me. No more empty promises & no more taking him for granted. Remember the scene in 'Sex & the City: The Movie' when Carrie saw Big at the end & the moment they saw each other they embraced & somehow knew that everything btwn them wld be alright? I wish i feel that way but i don't cuz life really isn't like a movie. Nonetheless i'm really willing to make things work, as i've said so umpteen times in my blog.
During my break from work i had alot of time to reflect & whilst i dun really hv a perfect answer to explain what has happened to me, I do realise that i allowed alot of my problems to accumulate which finally caused me to breakdown. The main thing i need to do now is to take care of my emotional well-being before tackling anything else. I should learn to recognise possible triggers & build up my defense against them. Thankfully the research i've read mentioned that emotional stability will improve over time & eventually most ppl grow out of such emotional problems. That kinda makes me feel positive.
I'm really thankful that i have the support of my family & friends, & i'm also glad that Mr. X hasn't given up on me either - cuz i'm not sure i would be as magnaminous if i were in his shoes.
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
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