CommunicAsia 2009
POSTED ON Tuesday, June 23, 2009 AT 5:23 PM \\
Have been slacking the past few days ever since end of CommunicAsia. I didn't really bother taking any pictures this yr as its getting kinda routine each yr.
Group photo time! The pic was taken on the last day after the exhibition had closed so everyone was in fact dying to get changed & go home!

And if u look at how glossy & reflective the floor is, then u know how blardy obvious ppl can look up our skirts just by looking at the floor-_-'' Damn irritating.

Me & sam taking a break in the warm outdoors, away from the freezing aircon inside the hall. Thanks to her friend who helped us take the photo...though i alr forgot his name...*pai seh*
Just some back-dated photos from a private launch i was working for end of last month. Courtesy of Lianie~who posted these on FB too^^

Me & Lianie

Lianie is seriously damn gd at making farnee faces. Just look at her! As for me i just suck at it. Har har.

Group photo
Gd movie+food = Gd day!
POSTED ON AT 12:26 AM \\
I really want to blog but i'm just so tired. *YAWNS*
Quick one. Watched 'Taking of Pelham 123' today & it was pretty good. But somehow i think i kinda expected a
teeny weeny bit more from the movie just bcuz i've been reading such rave reviews abt it. One really memorable scene from the show? That would be the part when Walter Garber (*Denzel Washington) was forced to make an open confession abt taking a bribe. I literally had tears in my eyes cuz i felt so sorry for the poor man who had to put aside integrity for the sake of his daughters' future. For those who have no idea what i'm talking abt, just go watch the show alr!
I know everyone's probably gonna catch 'Transformers' later this week but i'm watching 'I love u, Man' next cuz its another movie that's received pretty good reviews. Not kidding, its got better ratings than 'Pelham 123'! 'Transformers' can wait cuz i dun like watching the show during its opening week with all the crowd & all anyway-_-"
Also managed to satisfy the carnivorous side of me with steak for lunch @ Astons this afternoon. The steak is damn shiok! And the price damn cheap! Wahaha. The auntie-waitress kept asking me to order the Xtra cut for Mr. X & insisted that it was value for $ & more filling cuz its 70grams more so in the end i was like ok lor. It's just $2.60 more anyway and i agree that the Xtra cut is noticeably bigger & thicker in size so it was well worth it. I've decided that i'll order it the next time if i happen to be VERY hungry. Then when we left the place the same auntie even asked me if Mr. X had finished the steak... kinda funny cuz i guess she just wanted to prove herself right that the bigger cut would be more filling cuz guys apparently eat more.
That abt sums up the highlights of my day. I know. Boring huh. But that's how i like my life.
Bedtime now! Over & out.
No more excess baggage!
POSTED ON Monday, June 15, 2009 AT 10:05 PM \\
Just dropping a quick note here since i need to get some early rest for CommunicAsia which starts tmr!!!
The exclamation marks !!! do NOT indicate excitement but rather dread of the next 4 days of 'suffering' to come=/
Freezing my arse off inside the exhibition hall? Check.
8 hours of standing in high heels? Check.
I just need to survive 4 days. Just 4 days. *positive energy*
On a totally random note,
My mid-yr resolutions
-get more exercise!
-control my friggin temper
-be less negative & cynical
-learn to give ppl the benefit of the doubt
-stop walking ard with a blardy chip on my shoulder*
From this list it's pretty obvious that the changes i hope to achieve pertains more to the emotional & psychological than the physical aspects.
I dun really know what. how. when. During a moment of reflection I just realised what a pain i was for the past year with my negativity, cynicism & pessimism towards everything in life. Yet i thought i had learned to let go of past mistakes & moved on when all along i had trapped myself under this dark cloud, unable to trust and regarding those close to me with a suspicious eye.
I'm tired of victimizing myself & making others pay the dues for my previous mistakes. If i continue living like this i dun think i can ever be a happy person. Even worse i'm allowing myself to continue being a victim.
I dun want to be a pathetic victim anymore. I've made mistakes but i paid my dues. I AM MOVING ON TO FIND MY OWN HAPPINESS! Goodbye to u & all ur lies that have held me back. They're not holding me back anymore. Phew.
*It feels much lighter when u let go of all that excess baggage*
A long ranting entry
POSTED ON Saturday, June 13, 2009 AT 4:08 PM \\
I hate working for a**holes.
I walked out on a roadshow after an argument with the so-called 'coordinator' last Sunday & believe me, i did everything with good reason.
I have never ever, in my 4 years of doing events, met a more irresponsible, unreliable cocky piece of sh*t who dares call himself an agent/coordinator who manages talents.
Sms him to confirm the reporting time? NO ANSWER.
Gives inaccurate & misleading information abt the jobscope? Hell yeah.
Defends his own tardiness with totally irrelevant statements? Har har.
EXAMPLE: when i told him that he had given us wrong info abt the job (since we were told it was ushering but in the end we were made to walk ard & approach ppl & give out fliers), he responded sarcastically by saying, 'oh so i shd hv hired flier girls for $7/hr issit?'. NEWSFLASH: The issue here isn't abt what kind of girls u hire for how much ok. U gave a totally inaccurate description of the job we had to do & misled us so dun bullsh*t me & try to defend what was ur fault with irrelevant comments.
EXAMPLE no. 2: I was supposed to work Fri, Sun & Tues but come Sat night by 3am, the idiot still did not bother to update everyone on the reporting time for Sunday's rdshow. Talk abt irresponsibility. I had to call him twice @ 3am before he actually picked up & gave me a confirmation on the timing.
Then during work on Sun, all the girls tried to give out fliers (we wanted to be helpful & help create awareness by giving out their fliers) but we were told not to give out anything at all. The idea apparently, was to approach ppl w/o having anything in our hands cuz "the girls from yesterday had great success with this method". WOW. So i said, 'if they had such success then y aren't the same girls here today?'
Admittedly i could hv been more tactful in raising my opinion but i honestly didn't have any more patience to deal with all these f**king idiocy. All these so-called ideas on how we should do things when we were supposed to be doing ushering. Maybe u ppl need to check the Oxford dictionary on the definition of 'ushering' 1st before u tell us what to do.
In the end i ended up in an argument bcuz the client wasn't happy with my 'attitude' & my coordinator started talking to me abt 'professionalism'. Har har. I simply told him he's the one who's not doing his job in the 1st place & if the client is not happy, i'm more than willing to leave. And as expected he defended himself by telling me 'i have plenty of girls who will want to work for this'. Fine. U know what? I know there r plenty of girls who r willing to work but i'm not willing to put up with ur sh*t for that kind of $$ - which isn't even alot in the 1st place. He had the cheek to tell me that the reason he put me on this job was bcuz i called him @ 3am twice so I feel the need to clarify that i am not badgering u for the job. It was agreed that i would be working Fri, Sun & Tues so i had to seek a confirmation abt what time i would be needed. I dun wanna presume that i wasn't needed just bcuz i didn't get ur sms & then risk having u accuse me of flying ur aeroplane if i didn't turn up on Sun. Get that into ur thick head a**hole!
Amanda Swa doesn't take sh*t from anyone.
Same shit, Different Day
POSTED ON Monday, June 8, 2009 AT 10:37 AM \\
Was talking to a fren last nite & he said..'i guess i'm looking for someone who can tahan my shit'. I laughed & told him that everyone's looking for someone like that.
But he said 'No. Some ppl need others to tahan their shit, some ppl r those who clean up other ppl's shit'. I thought 'hey that's actually kinda true'.
So i guess what i'm saying is - i'm the kind who needs somebody who can take my shit.
"I told u before i won't give up unless u give up on me 1st. Since u've chosen to give up, I won't fight ur decision anymore. I can only blame myself for not having better coping mechanisms & not trying harder."
Screw everything
POSTED ON Saturday, June 6, 2009 AT 8:48 PM \\
I feel like i've just been slapped.
MY fault for thinking that i could make things work when i obviously do not have what it takes to handle things.
I just wanna get away from it all.
The Swa Family Taipei Holiday^^
POSTED ON Wednesday, June 3, 2009 AT 3:08 PM \\
The Swa Family Taipei Holiday
On the plane on our way^^:

My dad & bros...dun ask me y my dad looks so unhappy in this pic haha

...3 of us camwhoring during the flight...

Loved the view...i couldn't resist snapping a shot cuz it was so beautiful!

Our home for the next 7 days - Paradise hotel. More like hell actually cuz the lobby was damn noisy & i would get awakened by the noisy EVERY morning.
Shopping @ Taipei 101 & NYNY

Taipei 101, tallest building in the world. Unfortunately this is the best shot i could get of it from ground level outside har har.

My very 1st buy! Yay!!!

Lunch @ the food court. Their food taste amazingly gd compared to what we get in Singapore food-courts & my fried rice was yummy~~
Dan Shui Fishermen's Wharf:

Great view of the sea but weather was very hot. Hence i was pretty much not in a very gd mood that day=/

The infamous 'Stinky Beancurd'. This stall's version was not quite as pungent as some others...but it still tasted like poop. LITERALLY. no offense!

Family pic w/o me cuz i was the unofficial photographer. All posing with a bowl of delicious Ah Zong Mee Sua. Yum!

Famous 'Ah Zong Mee Sua'!
Our dinner @ the night market. Lamb in herbal soup, Fried oyster egg & some dry noodles. Doesn't look like much but the food was pretty tasty & cheap.

Red Bean on ice. *slurps!*

& finally...Home sweet home! Plane rides r such a bitch=/
CommunicAsia 2009
POSTED ON Tuesday, June 23, 2009 AT 5:23 PM \\
Have been slacking the past few days ever since end of CommunicAsia. I didn't really bother taking any pictures this yr as its getting kinda routine each yr.
Group photo time! The pic was taken on the last day after the exhibition had closed so everyone was in fact dying to get changed & go home!

And if u look at how glossy & reflective the floor is, then u know how blardy obvious ppl can look up our skirts just by looking at the floor-_-'' Damn irritating.

Me & sam taking a break in the warm outdoors, away from the freezing aircon inside the hall. Thanks to her friend who helped us take the photo...though i alr forgot his name...*pai seh*
Just some back-dated photos from a private launch i was working for end of last month. Courtesy of Lianie~who posted these on FB too^^

Me & Lianie

Lianie is seriously damn gd at making farnee faces. Just look at her! As for me i just suck at it. Har har.

Group photo
Gd movie+food = Gd day!
POSTED ON AT 12:26 AM \\
I really want to blog but i'm just so tired. *YAWNS*
Quick one. Watched 'Taking of Pelham 123' today & it was pretty good. But somehow i think i kinda expected a
teeny weeny bit more from the movie just bcuz i've been reading such rave reviews abt it. One really memorable scene from the show? That would be the part when Walter Garber (*Denzel Washington) was forced to make an open confession abt taking a bribe. I literally had tears in my eyes cuz i felt so sorry for the poor man who had to put aside integrity for the sake of his daughters' future. For those who have no idea what i'm talking abt, just go watch the show alr!
I know everyone's probably gonna catch 'Transformers' later this week but i'm watching 'I love u, Man' next cuz its another movie that's received pretty good reviews. Not kidding, its got better ratings than 'Pelham 123'! 'Transformers' can wait cuz i dun like watching the show during its opening week with all the crowd & all anyway-_-"
Also managed to satisfy the carnivorous side of me with steak for lunch @ Astons this afternoon. The steak is damn shiok! And the price damn cheap! Wahaha. The auntie-waitress kept asking me to order the Xtra cut for Mr. X & insisted that it was value for $ & more filling cuz its 70grams more so in the end i was like ok lor. It's just $2.60 more anyway and i agree that the Xtra cut is noticeably bigger & thicker in size so it was well worth it. I've decided that i'll order it the next time if i happen to be VERY hungry. Then when we left the place the same auntie even asked me if Mr. X had finished the steak... kinda funny cuz i guess she just wanted to prove herself right that the bigger cut would be more filling cuz guys apparently eat more.
That abt sums up the highlights of my day. I know. Boring huh. But that's how i like my life.
Bedtime now! Over & out.
No more excess baggage!
POSTED ON Monday, June 15, 2009 AT 10:05 PM \\
Just dropping a quick note here since i need to get some early rest for CommunicAsia which starts tmr!!!
The exclamation marks !!! do NOT indicate excitement but rather dread of the next 4 days of 'suffering' to come=/
Freezing my arse off inside the exhibition hall? Check.
8 hours of standing in high heels? Check.
I just need to survive 4 days. Just 4 days. *positive energy*
On a totally random note,
My mid-yr resolutions
-get more exercise!
-control my friggin temper
-be less negative & cynical
-learn to give ppl the benefit of the doubt
-stop walking ard with a blardy chip on my shoulder*
From this list it's pretty obvious that the changes i hope to achieve pertains more to the emotional & psychological than the physical aspects.
I dun really know what. how. when. During a moment of reflection I just realised what a pain i was for the past year with my negativity, cynicism & pessimism towards everything in life. Yet i thought i had learned to let go of past mistakes & moved on when all along i had trapped myself under this dark cloud, unable to trust and regarding those close to me with a suspicious eye.
I'm tired of victimizing myself & making others pay the dues for my previous mistakes. If i continue living like this i dun think i can ever be a happy person. Even worse i'm allowing myself to continue being a victim.
I dun want to be a pathetic victim anymore. I've made mistakes but i paid my dues. I AM MOVING ON TO FIND MY OWN HAPPINESS! Goodbye to u & all ur lies that have held me back. They're not holding me back anymore. Phew.
*It feels much lighter when u let go of all that excess baggage*
A long ranting entry
POSTED ON Saturday, June 13, 2009 AT 4:08 PM \\
I hate working for a**holes.
I walked out on a roadshow after an argument with the so-called 'coordinator' last Sunday & believe me, i did everything with good reason.
I have never ever, in my 4 years of doing events, met a more irresponsible, unreliable cocky piece of sh*t who dares call himself an agent/coordinator who manages talents.
Sms him to confirm the reporting time? NO ANSWER.
Gives inaccurate & misleading information abt the jobscope? Hell yeah.
Defends his own tardiness with totally irrelevant statements? Har har.
EXAMPLE: when i told him that he had given us wrong info abt the job (since we were told it was ushering but in the end we were made to walk ard & approach ppl & give out fliers), he responded sarcastically by saying, 'oh so i shd hv hired flier girls for $7/hr issit?'. NEWSFLASH: The issue here isn't abt what kind of girls u hire for how much ok. U gave a totally inaccurate description of the job we had to do & misled us so dun bullsh*t me & try to defend what was ur fault with irrelevant comments.
EXAMPLE no. 2: I was supposed to work Fri, Sun & Tues but come Sat night by 3am, the idiot still did not bother to update everyone on the reporting time for Sunday's rdshow. Talk abt irresponsibility. I had to call him twice @ 3am before he actually picked up & gave me a confirmation on the timing.
Then during work on Sun, all the girls tried to give out fliers (we wanted to be helpful & help create awareness by giving out their fliers) but we were told not to give out anything at all. The idea apparently, was to approach ppl w/o having anything in our hands cuz "the girls from yesterday had great success with this method". WOW. So i said, 'if they had such success then y aren't the same girls here today?'
Admittedly i could hv been more tactful in raising my opinion but i honestly didn't have any more patience to deal with all these f**king idiocy. All these so-called ideas on how we should do things when we were supposed to be doing ushering. Maybe u ppl need to check the Oxford dictionary on the definition of 'ushering' 1st before u tell us what to do.
In the end i ended up in an argument bcuz the client wasn't happy with my 'attitude' & my coordinator started talking to me abt 'professionalism'. Har har. I simply told him he's the one who's not doing his job in the 1st place & if the client is not happy, i'm more than willing to leave. And as expected he defended himself by telling me 'i have plenty of girls who will want to work for this'. Fine. U know what? I know there r plenty of girls who r willing to work but i'm not willing to put up with ur sh*t for that kind of $$ - which isn't even alot in the 1st place. He had the cheek to tell me that the reason he put me on this job was bcuz i called him @ 3am twice so I feel the need to clarify that i am not badgering u for the job. It was agreed that i would be working Fri, Sun & Tues so i had to seek a confirmation abt what time i would be needed. I dun wanna presume that i wasn't needed just bcuz i didn't get ur sms & then risk having u accuse me of flying ur aeroplane if i didn't turn up on Sun. Get that into ur thick head a**hole!
Amanda Swa doesn't take sh*t from anyone.
Same shit, Different Day
POSTED ON Monday, June 8, 2009 AT 10:37 AM \\
Was talking to a fren last nite & he said..'i guess i'm looking for someone who can tahan my shit'. I laughed & told him that everyone's looking for someone like that.
But he said 'No. Some ppl need others to tahan their shit, some ppl r those who clean up other ppl's shit'. I thought 'hey that's actually kinda true'.
So i guess what i'm saying is - i'm the kind who needs somebody who can take my shit.
"I told u before i won't give up unless u give up on me 1st. Since u've chosen to give up, I won't fight ur decision anymore. I can only blame myself for not having better coping mechanisms & not trying harder."
Screw everything
POSTED ON Saturday, June 6, 2009 AT 8:48 PM \\
I feel like i've just been slapped.
MY fault for thinking that i could make things work when i obviously do not have what it takes to handle things.
I just wanna get away from it all.
The Swa Family Taipei Holiday^^
POSTED ON Wednesday, June 3, 2009 AT 3:08 PM \\
The Swa Family Taipei Holiday
On the plane on our way^^:

My dad & bros...dun ask me y my dad looks so unhappy in this pic haha

...3 of us camwhoring during the flight...

Loved the view...i couldn't resist snapping a shot cuz it was so beautiful!

Our home for the next 7 days - Paradise hotel. More like hell actually cuz the lobby was damn noisy & i would get awakened by the noisy EVERY morning.
Shopping @ Taipei 101 & NYNY

Taipei 101, tallest building in the world. Unfortunately this is the best shot i could get of it from ground level outside har har.

My very 1st buy! Yay!!!

Lunch @ the food court. Their food taste amazingly gd compared to what we get in Singapore food-courts & my fried rice was yummy~~
Dan Shui Fishermen's Wharf:

Great view of the sea but weather was very hot. Hence i was pretty much not in a very gd mood that day=/

The infamous 'Stinky Beancurd'. This stall's version was not quite as pungent as some others...but it still tasted like poop. LITERALLY. no offense!

Family pic w/o me cuz i was the unofficial photographer. All posing with a bowl of delicious Ah Zong Mee Sua. Yum!

Famous 'Ah Zong Mee Sua'!
Our dinner @ the night market. Lamb in herbal soup, Fried oyster egg & some dry noodles. Doesn't look like much but the food was pretty tasty & cheap.

Red Bean on ice. *slurps!*

& finally...Home sweet home! Plane rides r such a bitch=/
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
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