Donuts anyone?
POSTED ON Wednesday, March 25, 2009 AT 1:28 PM \\
'Confessions of a Shopaholic' the movie will probably be postponed til next wk, but i bought the novel @ Popular last weekend & after reading it, i wanna watch the movie even more! Just so i can compare which is better u know. But usually the novel wins, since a movie has to be condensed into a limited time frame & many things just get cut out. I got the book @ only $12+ since there was a 25% discount which is quite a steal cuz novels r usually quite ex these days. I'm a shopaholic myself, but thankfully i have the self-restraint to spend only within my means. I dun even own a debit card, cuz i think it's gonna be very easy to forget where u've spent ur $$ when all u have to do is sign on a lil' piece of paper-_-"
Window shopping can brighten ur mood sometimes! Check out what i saw (actually quite sometime ago) at Bugis Action City:

Looks like the real thing huh? But they're just spongy stress balls so good to see but not to eat!

Speaking of food, it sucks being down with a flu that robs u of ur appetite & makes u wanna puke. Friggin doc i saw gave me medicine that didn't seem to help. Charged me $37 somemore! Arghhhh. I didn't sleep well last night because my stomach felt funny, queasy somehow so i just kept rolling around trying to ease my discomfort which didn't work. *sigh* I'm cancelling my dinner date with Liping tonight cuz i really need to just curl in bed & get some rest. Sorry gal, i'll make it up to u next time.
Recession & Retail Therapy
POSTED ON Friday, March 20, 2009 AT 12:44 PM \\
My current obsession? Recession. Talk to me, or hang out with me for half a day & u'll find that word being mentioned like once every half hour. Hur hur. But it is true that everything has been affected by the economy downtown these days what. Talk abt events/jobs? It's been affected by recession & companies r cutting down on their budget for showgirls. See sales everywhere when u go shopping? It's their way of enticing ppl to buy their stuff. I'm all for shopping & spending during this recession period, since there r plenty of bargains & i see it as my way of boosting the economy.
Went shopping with Xiaowei yesterday after our job ended since we were paid in cash & both of us were feeling pretty 'rich' haha. Bought a pair of casual wedges, cute denim shorts & an off-shoulder top. We couldn't buy alot of stuff cuz it was getting late & all the shops were closing-_-" I also bought comfy cotton shorts from Topshop! Gonna either lounge in them @ home or wear them for jogging which is something i haven't been doing. No wonder i'm gaining weight. Bah.
Also did the IT show last week. Due to the recession(ahem!), the availability of jobs & our rates have been reduced so even though the pay ain't great, i'm telling myself not to be too picky & just make do with what's minimally acceptable. It was for this company called 'Powerpro' which sells this thing called a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)...not exactly very interesting since most ppl visit IT shows to buy laptops and LCD monitors etc. I was super tired by the 3rd & last day, can't be helped cuz it was a minimum of 10 hours work each day & without a proper break cuz the client wanted us to get back to work once we eat up our food in like 10mins.

Our cheesy tagline. And we have to take turns holding the board somemore!Duh.
The coming week will be some R&R time, & hopefully a chance for me to catch 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'! I can probably totally identify with the movie=P
Ranting - warning: expletives used
POSTED ON Sunday, March 8, 2009 AT 12:51 PM \\
If there's one thing, just one thing, that's to be known abt me - that would be you should never, NEVER, EVER, mess with my sleep.
I'm pretty well-known to be super grumpy in the first few hours out of slumber, & i'm definitely NOT a morning person. U know how some ppl r like super chirpy even @ 7am & they go like 'gd morning!'? I'm not like that. I'm more like the person who scowls, growls & snaps at said kind of ppl in return.
Touchy. Hell hath no fury like an princessbiatch rudely awakened from her beauty sleep.
So imagine how blardy pissed off i felt when i was awakened at 10am yesterday to the sounds of hammering and drilling from the renovators next door. On a Sat morning as well. In case anybody reading this doesn't know - ur not supposed to carry out any sorta noise-generating works on a weekend so this F**Ker obviously is an idiot.
I tried to bear with the irritating hammering sounds & tried to bury myself back to sleep but the noise really got to me so i decided to jump outta bed and give hell to the renovators by calling them since their number was stuck on the permit notice on the wall.
(ring ring...)
Idiot renovator: Hello
Me: Hi, i'm calling from Blk **, *** Road, where ur having renovation works on one of the units there?
Idiot renovator: uh-huh..?
Me: I'm calling u at f**king 10.30am bcuz i've just been f**king awakened by ur f**king renovation works on a f**king Saturday morning.
At this point, i thought that idiot would hv the sense to apologise or at the very least, tell me that he would call off the works straightaway. Instead he had the balls to tell me 'We stop at 12pm can? cuz actually we r allowed to carry out works from 9am-12pm on Saturdays.'
YA RIGHT. Then y does the permit stuck on the wall says that NO f**king works r allowed to be carried out on Sat and Sun?!! huh!!! I know ur an idiot but i'm not so dun freaking insult my intelligence. My IQ is intact even if my manners aren't so it doesn't pay to bullsh*t me.
Me: That's not what the notice says.
Idiot renovator: Oh. Then i will ask them to stop work straight away.
Me: Thank u.
See? He could hv just admitted that he was a moron and stop the renovation in the 1st place but instead he chose to embarrass himself by trying to bullsh*t that they were allowed to carry out their work on a friggin Sat. It's bad enough that they've been continuing their renovation work even after 5pm on weekdays and now they think they can continue to get away with it.
Seriously i wonder. R the existence of such people simply to piss the rest of us off?
Donuts anyone?
POSTED ON Wednesday, March 25, 2009 AT 1:28 PM \\
'Confessions of a Shopaholic' the movie will probably be postponed til next wk, but i bought the novel @ Popular last weekend & after reading it, i wanna watch the movie even more! Just so i can compare which is better u know. But usually the novel wins, since a movie has to be condensed into a limited time frame & many things just get cut out. I got the book @ only $12+ since there was a 25% discount which is quite a steal cuz novels r usually quite ex these days. I'm a shopaholic myself, but thankfully i have the self-restraint to spend only within my means. I dun even own a debit card, cuz i think it's gonna be very easy to forget where u've spent ur $$ when all u have to do is sign on a lil' piece of paper-_-"
Window shopping can brighten ur mood sometimes! Check out what i saw (actually quite sometime ago) at Bugis Action City:

Looks like the real thing huh? But they're just spongy stress balls so good to see but not to eat!

Speaking of food, it sucks being down with a flu that robs u of ur appetite & makes u wanna puke. Friggin doc i saw gave me medicine that didn't seem to help. Charged me $37 somemore! Arghhhh. I didn't sleep well last night because my stomach felt funny, queasy somehow so i just kept rolling around trying to ease my discomfort which didn't work. *sigh* I'm cancelling my dinner date with Liping tonight cuz i really need to just curl in bed & get some rest. Sorry gal, i'll make it up to u next time.
Recession & Retail Therapy
POSTED ON Friday, March 20, 2009 AT 12:44 PM \\
My current obsession? Recession. Talk to me, or hang out with me for half a day & u'll find that word being mentioned like once every half hour. Hur hur. But it is true that everything has been affected by the economy downtown these days what. Talk abt events/jobs? It's been affected by recession & companies r cutting down on their budget for showgirls. See sales everywhere when u go shopping? It's their way of enticing ppl to buy their stuff. I'm all for shopping & spending during this recession period, since there r plenty of bargains & i see it as my way of boosting the economy.
Went shopping with Xiaowei yesterday after our job ended since we were paid in cash & both of us were feeling pretty 'rich' haha. Bought a pair of casual wedges, cute denim shorts & an off-shoulder top. We couldn't buy alot of stuff cuz it was getting late & all the shops were closing-_-" I also bought comfy cotton shorts from Topshop! Gonna either lounge in them @ home or wear them for jogging which is something i haven't been doing. No wonder i'm gaining weight. Bah.
Also did the IT show last week. Due to the recession(ahem!), the availability of jobs & our rates have been reduced so even though the pay ain't great, i'm telling myself not to be too picky & just make do with what's minimally acceptable. It was for this company called 'Powerpro' which sells this thing called a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)...not exactly very interesting since most ppl visit IT shows to buy laptops and LCD monitors etc. I was super tired by the 3rd & last day, can't be helped cuz it was a minimum of 10 hours work each day & without a proper break cuz the client wanted us to get back to work once we eat up our food in like 10mins.

Our cheesy tagline. And we have to take turns holding the board somemore!Duh.
The coming week will be some R&R time, & hopefully a chance for me to catch 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'! I can probably totally identify with the movie=P
Ranting - warning: expletives used
POSTED ON Sunday, March 8, 2009 AT 12:51 PM \\
If there's one thing, just one thing, that's to be known abt me - that would be you should never, NEVER, EVER, mess with my sleep.
I'm pretty well-known to be super grumpy in the first few hours out of slumber, & i'm definitely NOT a morning person. U know how some ppl r like super chirpy even @ 7am & they go like 'gd morning!'? I'm not like that. I'm more like the person who scowls, growls & snaps at said kind of ppl in return.
Touchy. Hell hath no fury like an princessbiatch rudely awakened from her beauty sleep.
So imagine how blardy pissed off i felt when i was awakened at 10am yesterday to the sounds of hammering and drilling from the renovators next door. On a Sat morning as well. In case anybody reading this doesn't know - ur not supposed to carry out any sorta noise-generating works on a weekend so this F**Ker obviously is an idiot.
I tried to bear with the irritating hammering sounds & tried to bury myself back to sleep but the noise really got to me so i decided to jump outta bed and give hell to the renovators by calling them since their number was stuck on the permit notice on the wall.
(ring ring...)
Idiot renovator: Hello
Me: Hi, i'm calling from Blk **, *** Road, where ur having renovation works on one of the units there?
Idiot renovator: uh-huh..?
Me: I'm calling u at f**king 10.30am bcuz i've just been f**king awakened by ur f**king renovation works on a f**king Saturday morning.
At this point, i thought that idiot would hv the sense to apologise or at the very least, tell me that he would call off the works straightaway. Instead he had the balls to tell me 'We stop at 12pm can? cuz actually we r allowed to carry out works from 9am-12pm on Saturdays.'
YA RIGHT. Then y does the permit stuck on the wall says that NO f**king works r allowed to be carried out on Sat and Sun?!! huh!!! I know ur an idiot but i'm not so dun freaking insult my intelligence. My IQ is intact even if my manners aren't so it doesn't pay to bullsh*t me.
Me: That's not what the notice says.
Idiot renovator: Oh. Then i will ask them to stop work straight away.
Me: Thank u.
See? He could hv just admitted that he was a moron and stop the renovation in the 1st place but instead he chose to embarrass himself by trying to bullsh*t that they were allowed to carry out their work on a friggin Sat. It's bad enough that they've been continuing their renovation work even after 5pm on weekdays and now they think they can continue to get away with it.
Seriously i wonder. R the existence of such people simply to piss the rest of us off?
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
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