POSTED ON Saturday, February 28, 2009 AT 7:54 PM \\
Found a song which i like...她让你憔悴许多她让你不知所措她一举一动你不停的对我说我微笑倾听你说我却越听越心痛怎么你说的不是我她比我多了什么让你愿意耐心等候我想知道她让你痴心是什么我想知道她让你疯狂为什么我知道做的和她没有不同但是我却不在你心中逗留我想知道她哪里比我好很多在你心中她和我有什么不同我知道我比她付出的还多可是我总换不了你的心动你让我憔悴很多你让我不知所措你一举一动我的心被牵着走她不经意的走过你就把我给冷落嫉妒把我给吞没她比我多了什么让你愿意耐心等候我想知道她让你痴心是什么我想知道她让你疯狂为什么我知道做的和她没有不同但是我却不在你心中逗留我想知道她哪里比我好很多在你心中她和我有什么不同我知道我比她付出的还多我知道了她哪里比我好更多在你心中我永远不可能会让你心动我知道我比她付出的还多可是我在你心中没有她多FYI: The song is <知道> by 郭静 but the lyrics r damn sad. I get kinda emo when i listen to it but this shall be my next KTV hit haha!Also watched a couple of movies over the past week - 'He's just not that into you' & the much acclaimed 'Slumdog Millionaire' & i preferred 'He's just not that into you' personally. Expected huh? Well the issues in the movie were just closer to my heart! Looking for love in all the wrong places, getting hurt, moving on, cheating/being cheated on...who hasn't been through it all. The movie's just a magnified version of my own life, with much better looking ppl in it of course! Slumdog was not too bad, but how can i possibly relate to living life in the slums of India & then winning 20million rupees on 'Who wants to be a millionaire'? The story offered optimism but was definitely unrealistic for me but to quote Dusk - "y look for realism in a movie?" I totally agree:) Next up i wanna watch 'Marley & me'!I also received a gift from Mr. X 2 days ago...my very 1st bottle of SKII! I did mention abt wanting to buy the prdt recently to him but i really didn't expect him to buy it for me. And telling him abt it was not a hint ok. I know some ppl probably think all i have to do is say the word & i'll have guys spending their $$ on gifts for me but i'm NOT that sorta person. I can afford the things i want but i'm also extremely appreciative that Mr. X bought SKII for me as a gift. Yippee! Clearer & more radiant skin in 28 days!Liping smsed me out of the blue yesterday and i was pretty surprised that the girl had gotten herself attached so suddenly w/o telling me. *tsk* She was pretty bummed that her so-called bf has 'flown her aeroplane' last minute & it was after she had bought the movie tix so i went to meet her for some 'girl-time' since i was free anyway. Not to watch the movie la, we met for dinner and some 'catching-up' cuz i needed to hear the whole story abt how she got together with this guy & she needed to know how i ended up homeless har har. *sigh* True friendship really never goes out of style. It really feels gd to know i have this friend to share everything regardless of anything & i was glad to have provided her a listening ear as well.*I need a haircut!*
Life out of my comfort zone
POSTED ON Thursday, February 19, 2009 AT 10:32 PM \\
Haven't been blogging for awhile cuz i'm currently not staying at home as of last Sat. Therefore my use of the computer is limited until i get myself a comp, or til i go home, which is highly unlikely. Why did i leave home in the first place? LONG story. I had a fight with my parents which resulted in a certain amount of violence used (on me) & i'm f**king pissed cuz the whole thing wasn't even my fault to begin with.
I admit that there r many inconveniences not being in the comfort of my own home. All my clothes. shoes, bags, moisturisers for face, body & hair are at my place & so i hv limited stuff to wear & use. I'm not used to sleeping without a comforter so thank goodness Mr. X was kind enough to buy me one when we went to IKEA on Tuesday. I miss home-cooked food too! *sigh*
I've been slacking since i left home as i haven't been working. No events recently...maybe due to the recession.My last job was a corporate conference cum award presentation cum gala dinner held over 2 days @ the Ritz Carlton last Thurs & Fri and it sucked mainly bcuz we screwed up a lil during the award presentation bcuz we couldn't understand what the hell was going on since the entire thing was in Bahasa Indonesian. It's f**king not our damn fault ok. The Indo client scolded us and even called us stupid...she said 'u just hv to listen carefully' but what the f**k - it's not that we weren't listening, it's just that we dun f**king understand Indonesian!!! Just bcuz u can speak Indo doesn't mean ur smart, & just bcuz we can't speak or understand Indo doesn't make us stupid ok.
Anyway - some pics from my previous shoot with MDS:

It's fun modelling for MDS cuz i get to try so many different styles of clothes and see what kind of looks i can pull off. Plus Georgiana & Joe are really nice ppl...i can like bitch to them abt everything haha! So it doesn't really feel like working on a shoot at all:)
I really need to find more things to do to occupy myself. I'm really bored & i need to get a pedicure!
Random update
POSTED ON Monday, February 9, 2009 AT 11:57 PM \\
Just came back from my annual CNY dinner with my extended family but pictures will not be up yet, cuz i can't find my data cable which i use to transfer pics from my phone to the computer. I dun understand y ppl like me even bother buying a digicam actually, since i nvr seem to use it-_-".
Work has been slow these days, no events recently maybe due to the floundering economy. Xianz. One job coming up this thurs & fri, but the pay is kinda low. But i guess in times like this, we shd just count our blessings that there r still jobs for us rite? So just accept lor. Did 2 shoots for MDS last wk as well as the wk before, so some of the photos r up on the site already. Looking forward to see more from the latest shoot though, cuz the photos look much better.

The outfits r very nice, but very different from what i'd wear usually. Especially the 2nd & 3rd dress which r floral & kinda feminine...so different from me! I'm like the 'tanktop & shorts' kinda girl, and damn chor-lor also...haha. I know some ppl think showgirls r all vain/girly/image-conscious but i'm really not. I'm quite loud & fierce so i dun belong to the stereotype of typical showgirls. U know what they say - Nvr judge a bk by its cover.
Dental appt tmr...3rd wk in a row. I hope my rotten tooth gets fixed. It's alot better after the so-called root canal treatment but it still hurts when i drink or eat hot/cold stuff, which ain't a good sign cuz my tooth is supposed to be dead. Like it shd RIP alr cuz the nerves ought to be dead after the treatment. I'm not paying 600bucks to still suffer occasional pain. @#$!%.
POSTED ON Saturday, February 28, 2009 AT 7:54 PM \\
Found a song which i like...她让你憔悴许多她让你不知所措她一举一动你不停的对我说我微笑倾听你说我却越听越心痛怎么你说的不是我她比我多了什么让你愿意耐心等候我想知道她让你痴心是什么我想知道她让你疯狂为什么我知道做的和她没有不同但是我却不在你心中逗留我想知道她哪里比我好很多在你心中她和我有什么不同我知道我比她付出的还多可是我总换不了你的心动你让我憔悴很多你让我不知所措你一举一动我的心被牵着走她不经意的走过你就把我给冷落嫉妒把我给吞没她比我多了什么让你愿意耐心等候我想知道她让你痴心是什么我想知道她让你疯狂为什么我知道做的和她没有不同但是我却不在你心中逗留我想知道她哪里比我好很多在你心中她和我有什么不同我知道我比她付出的还多我知道了她哪里比我好更多在你心中我永远不可能会让你心动我知道我比她付出的还多可是我在你心中没有她多FYI: The song is <知道> by 郭静 but the lyrics r damn sad. I get kinda emo when i listen to it but this shall be my next KTV hit haha!Also watched a couple of movies over the past week - 'He's just not that into you' & the much acclaimed 'Slumdog Millionaire' & i preferred 'He's just not that into you' personally. Expected huh? Well the issues in the movie were just closer to my heart! Looking for love in all the wrong places, getting hurt, moving on, cheating/being cheated on...who hasn't been through it all. The movie's just a magnified version of my own life, with much better looking ppl in it of course! Slumdog was not too bad, but how can i possibly relate to living life in the slums of India & then winning 20million rupees on 'Who wants to be a millionaire'? The story offered optimism but was definitely unrealistic for me but to quote Dusk - "y look for realism in a movie?" I totally agree:) Next up i wanna watch 'Marley & me'!I also received a gift from Mr. X 2 days ago...my very 1st bottle of SKII! I did mention abt wanting to buy the prdt recently to him but i really didn't expect him to buy it for me. And telling him abt it was not a hint ok. I know some ppl probably think all i have to do is say the word & i'll have guys spending their $$ on gifts for me but i'm NOT that sorta person. I can afford the things i want but i'm also extremely appreciative that Mr. X bought SKII for me as a gift. Yippee! Clearer & more radiant skin in 28 days!Liping smsed me out of the blue yesterday and i was pretty surprised that the girl had gotten herself attached so suddenly w/o telling me. *tsk* She was pretty bummed that her so-called bf has 'flown her aeroplane' last minute & it was after she had bought the movie tix so i went to meet her for some 'girl-time' since i was free anyway. Not to watch the movie la, we met for dinner and some 'catching-up' cuz i needed to hear the whole story abt how she got together with this guy & she needed to know how i ended up homeless har har. *sigh* True friendship really never goes out of style. It really feels gd to know i have this friend to share everything regardless of anything & i was glad to have provided her a listening ear as well.*I need a haircut!*
Life out of my comfort zone
POSTED ON Thursday, February 19, 2009 AT 10:32 PM \\
Haven't been blogging for awhile cuz i'm currently not staying at home as of last Sat. Therefore my use of the computer is limited until i get myself a comp, or til i go home, which is highly unlikely. Why did i leave home in the first place? LONG story. I had a fight with my parents which resulted in a certain amount of violence used (on me) & i'm f**king pissed cuz the whole thing wasn't even my fault to begin with.
I admit that there r many inconveniences not being in the comfort of my own home. All my clothes. shoes, bags, moisturisers for face, body & hair are at my place & so i hv limited stuff to wear & use. I'm not used to sleeping without a comforter so thank goodness Mr. X was kind enough to buy me one when we went to IKEA on Tuesday. I miss home-cooked food too! *sigh*
I've been slacking since i left home as i haven't been working. No events recently...maybe due to the recession.My last job was a corporate conference cum award presentation cum gala dinner held over 2 days @ the Ritz Carlton last Thurs & Fri and it sucked mainly bcuz we screwed up a lil during the award presentation bcuz we couldn't understand what the hell was going on since the entire thing was in Bahasa Indonesian. It's f**king not our damn fault ok. The Indo client scolded us and even called us stupid...she said 'u just hv to listen carefully' but what the f**k - it's not that we weren't listening, it's just that we dun f**king understand Indonesian!!! Just bcuz u can speak Indo doesn't mean ur smart, & just bcuz we can't speak or understand Indo doesn't make us stupid ok.
Anyway - some pics from my previous shoot with MDS:

It's fun modelling for MDS cuz i get to try so many different styles of clothes and see what kind of looks i can pull off. Plus Georgiana & Joe are really nice ppl...i can like bitch to them abt everything haha! So it doesn't really feel like working on a shoot at all:)
I really need to find more things to do to occupy myself. I'm really bored & i need to get a pedicure!
Random update
POSTED ON Monday, February 9, 2009 AT 11:57 PM \\
Just came back from my annual CNY dinner with my extended family but pictures will not be up yet, cuz i can't find my data cable which i use to transfer pics from my phone to the computer. I dun understand y ppl like me even bother buying a digicam actually, since i nvr seem to use it-_-".
Work has been slow these days, no events recently maybe due to the floundering economy. Xianz. One job coming up this thurs & fri, but the pay is kinda low. But i guess in times like this, we shd just count our blessings that there r still jobs for us rite? So just accept lor. Did 2 shoots for MDS last wk as well as the wk before, so some of the photos r up on the site already. Looking forward to see more from the latest shoot though, cuz the photos look much better.

The outfits r very nice, but very different from what i'd wear usually. Especially the 2nd & 3rd dress which r floral & kinda feminine...so different from me! I'm like the 'tanktop & shorts' kinda girl, and damn chor-lor also...haha. I know some ppl think showgirls r all vain/girly/image-conscious but i'm really not. I'm quite loud & fierce so i dun belong to the stereotype of typical showgirls. U know what they say - Nvr judge a bk by its cover.
Dental appt tmr...3rd wk in a row. I hope my rotten tooth gets fixed. It's alot better after the so-called root canal treatment but it still hurts when i drink or eat hot/cold stuff, which ain't a good sign cuz my tooth is supposed to be dead. Like it shd RIP alr cuz the nerves ought to be dead after the treatment. I'm not paying 600bucks to still suffer occasional pain. @#$!%.
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
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