F**king toothache!
POSTED ON Saturday, January 31, 2009 AT 2:09 AM \\
*Sigh* My rotten tooth still hurts & i'm in one motherf**king hell of a mood these days bcuz of it. After my visit to the dentist on Wed i was pretty relieved cuz the pain had considerably lessened and the dentist himself assured me that by the 3rd day there shd be NO more pain anymore. My relief was shortlived becuz the pain came back today. It wasn't as bad as before where i was literally clutching my jaw & crying tears of pain, but it was painful enough to bother me & affect my mood+appetite.
My original plans for today was to finish my shoot for MDS, catch 'Changeling' at 4.30pm with Mr. X & have a sushi/sashimi dinner. But eventually we didn't get to catch the movie cuz i was late by the time i met him after my shoot so we went straight to Sakae Sushi @ Bugis instead. All was well with my tooth until i started eating & the pain just escalated even after i stopped eating altogether & i only had like what? One plate of salmon sashimi, one plate of raw scallop, one chawanmushi, a kizami unagi sushi & half a softshell crab temaki. My blardy tooth problem is freaking irritating me & i'm still relying on Ponstan to curb the pain even until now. I can't even eat what i want to my heart's content!!! *sobz*
I'm so gonna call my dentist tmr if the pain persists & i seriously wonder what's gonna happen if *touch wood*, the pain is still there after i complete the root canal treatment (which costs like 600bucks). There's no way i'm gonna pay anymore $$ cuz it's really very expensive...i dun even have a proper job lor. Times r bad!
I guess maybe it's time for me to consider my career options since i'm graduating in a month's time. *ponders*
POSTED ON Wednesday, January 28, 2009 AT 10:17 PM \\
Happy CNY!!! This came a lil' late but i had my reasons cuz i was suffering in pain from a tooth nerve infection since last last Sunday>.<
As with every yr, i help out @ Celine's manicure place during the CNY period but i no longer enjoy doing so cuz it seems like too much work when it gets really busy. The worst thing that happens is when u get fussy customers. My patience gets seriously
stretched when i have to repaint the nail polish after i've finished painting all ten nails simply bcuz the stupid customer decides that she didn't like the color
after all. Cannot make up ur mind is it?!! It's f**king irritating.
I managed to take a look at my forecast for the year ahead near theWaterloo Street temple:

Apparently my wealth, career & love luck r looking pretty rosy for 2009 haha! I pray that this forecast is accurate, except for the health part. I've already visited 3 dentists & a doctor twice for my toothache, & the 1st stage of the root canal treatment was done today so i really hope i get better soon cuz the pain is really crippling. I was lying in bed the whole of yesterday and i cried bcuz the pain was too much to bear. My diet basically consisted of panadols & ponstan, a painkiller prescribed by the doc. I couldn't even keep any food down - i vomited the small bowl of chicken soup i had for dinner & a small slice of bread i had in the morning before i took my meds. Ugh. On the positive side, i can lose weight from the loss of appetite, not that i actually give a damn abt that.
School's over once i get my last 2 assignments done by 2nd Feb, & its graduation time! Honestly, i'm apprehensive cuz i dunno what i wanna do. I just know that i dun want a dead-end 9-5 job where i'm confined to my desk in front of a computer. I'm in no rush to find a fulltime job as well so i guess i'm gonna take it easy for awhile, maybe go for a trip to reward myself for surviving @ SIM. One of my grpmates won't be graduating together with us (he failed a module & has to repeat), so that's kinda sad too. I just hope he hangs in there & get his degree eventually!
POSTED ON Friday, January 16, 2009 AT 4:40 AM \\
I know i've often mentioned that i dun ever want to have kids & all...but my lil' niece is just super-duper cute (i'm biased ok)! My cuz brought her kids over for a visit sometime before the New Yr & somehow a house with kids is always livelier & noisier. My cuz was telling us how Charlize the older one (she's 3 yrs old), got caught for doodlling on the walls & on the underside of the sofa & she shifted the blame on her baby sis, if u can believe that. I mean, how can a tiny baby who can't even walk hold a crayon & scribble on the walls? It's farnee, but it's also not a good thing that a child starts lying at such a tender age. That's partly why i dun wish to have kids - u'll have to spend a lifetime educating them & worrying abt them. It's a responsibility i dun wish to shoulder. ever. I feel like a kid myself so how can i even have my own kids?!! I'll rather own a dog that's loyal & loving & faithful.

That's the lil' sweetheart~Amber. She looks a lil' cock-eyed in the pic though haha! She was playing with our 'dancing cow' - it sings & swings its head when u clap or touch it so she was very intrigued by it. I love the wonder & curiosity i see in a child's eyes - it's so untouched by the harsh realities of life & sometimes i wonder what/who turned me into such a skeptic & cynic. Oh well, let's skip the unhappiness here.As mentioned i've been busy with sch & i've got a perfect attendance record to show for this. I've been dutifully attending every class (mon, wed, fri & sat!) though i admit i haven't been paying attention cuz there's no exam/quiz for this module. Anyway i've been doing my readings at home so i really do know what's going on in class. It's not like i'm totally out of the loop. So far the only interesting happening during lecture was a visit from Mr Brown. Yes. That's Mr Brown THE blogger/podcaster.

Can't really see him clearly but yes that's him - Mr Brown. I was late for class so i just grabbed the nearest seat available which was at the very last row at the back & i didn't even recognise him. Or rather i didn't know what Mr Brown looked like in the 1st place so i thought he was like a fellow student talking abt his project or something until i asked the person sitting next to me. He's really pretty farnee though - he showed us alot of examples of his works & mentioned the trouble he got into for his politically incorrect content on Today etc. Personally i think he sounds just a tad conceited at times but that's not surprising coming from someone who made a success out of blogging. It's simply a quality that most successful bloggers/writers have cuz they're usually not shy to opine even in the face of controversy. Kinda like how i'm not afraid of public criticism for being a BI*CH. But of course i am in no way along the same lines as someone like Mr Brown. I'm like a super noob next to him haha!
And what's my entry without mention of food?! Went to a new place for lunch after a shoot. It's called Botejyu and apparently the specialty is kinda like the Japanese version of pizza. Quite unique.

It looks very unappetizing but inside this pile of mush are generous helping of prawns & scallops (cuz i ordered seafood flavor). U can also add chilli flakes & seawood for extra taste so it's not too bad. Though i still prefer other Jap food like sushi and ramen. I'm a ramen-lover! I want to eat Spala! :D
Watched 'Bedtime Stories' with Mr. X on Tuesday & it's silly. It started to get boring halfway & it's seriously not worth watching. Plus there was this irritating couple sitting beside us in the cinema who kept talking very loudly & i was quite pissed cuz Mr. X alr told them to keep their volume down politely & they obviously do not understand English. WTF. I mean, do u wanna talk or do u wanna watch the movie? If u wanna talk then just get out of the cinema la! I just cleared my throat very loudly & glared at them so that they would get the idea. To be honest i wanted to scold them but i know Mr. X would be pai-seh...so no choice. Suffer in silence.

I bought my third book of the Twilight series 'Eclipse' from Kinokuniya & then had kopi @ Toastbox @ Wisma. Camwhoring time. I was laughing cuz Mr. X was like 'nice pic...but got weird person behind u'. Duh. That person was just minding his own business, not as if he wants to be in the pic on purpose so to this random coffee-drinker: sorry! Hope u dun mind.
So many things, so little time. Gotta do my CNY shopping & springcleaning soon! Maybe i can put a 'before & after' pic of my room on this blog after the springcleaning gets done. We'll see.
Overdue entry
POSTED ON Wednesday, January 14, 2009 AT 4:16 AM \\
School's been keeping me really really busy these days & i've neglected to blog.
So here are some long overdue updates that have been pending...
X'mas eve - quiet BBQ dinner with family & co.

Yeah we were having a BBQ at the corridor/lift lobby area at a relative's place! Har har. It was kinda fun though, & i didn't even have to barbeque the food myself. All i had to do was sit & eat & my somewhat pathetic post-dinner entertainment was...

Tadah! Rubik's cube! Ok i admit - i SUCK at it. This picture shows the closest i actually came to completing one face of the entire cube, & i wasn't even close! And patience obviously not being one of my virtues, i gave up after like 15 mins. Grrrr! I salute anyone who can complete this damn thing.
New Yr's eve - Dinner with Mr. X

Mr. X brought me to California Pizza Kitchen(CPK for short, sounds like some expressway rite?) & since it was my 1st time there i wasn't sure what to order. We ended up sharing the soup which is a combi of 2 diff soups (i can't rem what they were) & it was pretty yummy. I actually thought we were supposed to mix them up before drinking, which would have been kinda gross. The Peking duck pizza was Mr. X's recommendation but ugh. i didn't really like it. It's like Chinese+Western fusion pizza & i'm definitely not an adventurous person when it comes to my food. Bleah. The Kungpao chicken spaghetti (another east-meets-west dish) was not too bad though, unfortunately there r no pics of it here cuz i devoured it before i could rem to take a pic=P
Apart from pigging out, here's an item i saw at a recent IKEA trip with a fren that i wanted to buy:

It's a coat rack & obviously i think it's damn useful for hanging stuff like jackets and caps & bags etc. The thing costs $49 & the only problem is figuring out where i can place it cuz there seriously isn't anymore space in my cluttered room for it. Arghhh! If i wanna buy it i'm gonna do it before CNY. Then i could do my spring cleaning & put it to use. I just love IKEA stuff! Just wait til i get my own home...then i'm gonna decorate the place according to the IKEA catalouges :D
More overdue updates coming up...*yawns*
*I dun like the person i've become...*
F**king toothache!
POSTED ON Saturday, January 31, 2009 AT 2:09 AM \\
*Sigh* My rotten tooth still hurts & i'm in one motherf**king hell of a mood these days bcuz of it. After my visit to the dentist on Wed i was pretty relieved cuz the pain had considerably lessened and the dentist himself assured me that by the 3rd day there shd be NO more pain anymore. My relief was shortlived becuz the pain came back today. It wasn't as bad as before where i was literally clutching my jaw & crying tears of pain, but it was painful enough to bother me & affect my mood+appetite.
My original plans for today was to finish my shoot for MDS, catch 'Changeling' at 4.30pm with Mr. X & have a sushi/sashimi dinner. But eventually we didn't get to catch the movie cuz i was late by the time i met him after my shoot so we went straight to Sakae Sushi @ Bugis instead. All was well with my tooth until i started eating & the pain just escalated even after i stopped eating altogether & i only had like what? One plate of salmon sashimi, one plate of raw scallop, one chawanmushi, a kizami unagi sushi & half a softshell crab temaki. My blardy tooth problem is freaking irritating me & i'm still relying on Ponstan to curb the pain even until now. I can't even eat what i want to my heart's content!!! *sobz*
I'm so gonna call my dentist tmr if the pain persists & i seriously wonder what's gonna happen if *touch wood*, the pain is still there after i complete the root canal treatment (which costs like 600bucks). There's no way i'm gonna pay anymore $$ cuz it's really very expensive...i dun even have a proper job lor. Times r bad!
I guess maybe it's time for me to consider my career options since i'm graduating in a month's time. *ponders*
POSTED ON Wednesday, January 28, 2009 AT 10:17 PM \\
Happy CNY!!! This came a lil' late but i had my reasons cuz i was suffering in pain from a tooth nerve infection since last last Sunday>.<
As with every yr, i help out @ Celine's manicure place during the CNY period but i no longer enjoy doing so cuz it seems like too much work when it gets really busy. The worst thing that happens is when u get fussy customers. My patience gets seriously
stretched when i have to repaint the nail polish after i've finished painting all ten nails simply bcuz the stupid customer decides that she didn't like the color
after all. Cannot make up ur mind is it?!! It's f**king irritating.
I managed to take a look at my forecast for the year ahead near theWaterloo Street temple:

Apparently my wealth, career & love luck r looking pretty rosy for 2009 haha! I pray that this forecast is accurate, except for the health part. I've already visited 3 dentists & a doctor twice for my toothache, & the 1st stage of the root canal treatment was done today so i really hope i get better soon cuz the pain is really crippling. I was lying in bed the whole of yesterday and i cried bcuz the pain was too much to bear. My diet basically consisted of panadols & ponstan, a painkiller prescribed by the doc. I couldn't even keep any food down - i vomited the small bowl of chicken soup i had for dinner & a small slice of bread i had in the morning before i took my meds. Ugh. On the positive side, i can lose weight from the loss of appetite, not that i actually give a damn abt that.
School's over once i get my last 2 assignments done by 2nd Feb, & its graduation time! Honestly, i'm apprehensive cuz i dunno what i wanna do. I just know that i dun want a dead-end 9-5 job where i'm confined to my desk in front of a computer. I'm in no rush to find a fulltime job as well so i guess i'm gonna take it easy for awhile, maybe go for a trip to reward myself for surviving @ SIM. One of my grpmates won't be graduating together with us (he failed a module & has to repeat), so that's kinda sad too. I just hope he hangs in there & get his degree eventually!
POSTED ON Friday, January 16, 2009 AT 4:40 AM \\
I know i've often mentioned that i dun ever want to have kids & all...but my lil' niece is just super-duper cute (i'm biased ok)! My cuz brought her kids over for a visit sometime before the New Yr & somehow a house with kids is always livelier & noisier. My cuz was telling us how Charlize the older one (she's 3 yrs old), got caught for doodlling on the walls & on the underside of the sofa & she shifted the blame on her baby sis, if u can believe that. I mean, how can a tiny baby who can't even walk hold a crayon & scribble on the walls? It's farnee, but it's also not a good thing that a child starts lying at such a tender age. That's partly why i dun wish to have kids - u'll have to spend a lifetime educating them & worrying abt them. It's a responsibility i dun wish to shoulder. ever. I feel like a kid myself so how can i even have my own kids?!! I'll rather own a dog that's loyal & loving & faithful.

That's the lil' sweetheart~Amber. She looks a lil' cock-eyed in the pic though haha! She was playing with our 'dancing cow' - it sings & swings its head when u clap or touch it so she was very intrigued by it. I love the wonder & curiosity i see in a child's eyes - it's so untouched by the harsh realities of life & sometimes i wonder what/who turned me into such a skeptic & cynic. Oh well, let's skip the unhappiness here.As mentioned i've been busy with sch & i've got a perfect attendance record to show for this. I've been dutifully attending every class (mon, wed, fri & sat!) though i admit i haven't been paying attention cuz there's no exam/quiz for this module. Anyway i've been doing my readings at home so i really do know what's going on in class. It's not like i'm totally out of the loop. So far the only interesting happening during lecture was a visit from Mr Brown. Yes. That's Mr Brown THE blogger/podcaster.

Can't really see him clearly but yes that's him - Mr Brown. I was late for class so i just grabbed the nearest seat available which was at the very last row at the back & i didn't even recognise him. Or rather i didn't know what Mr Brown looked like in the 1st place so i thought he was like a fellow student talking abt his project or something until i asked the person sitting next to me. He's really pretty farnee though - he showed us alot of examples of his works & mentioned the trouble he got into for his politically incorrect content on Today etc. Personally i think he sounds just a tad conceited at times but that's not surprising coming from someone who made a success out of blogging. It's simply a quality that most successful bloggers/writers have cuz they're usually not shy to opine even in the face of controversy. Kinda like how i'm not afraid of public criticism for being a BI*CH. But of course i am in no way along the same lines as someone like Mr Brown. I'm like a super noob next to him haha!
And what's my entry without mention of food?! Went to a new place for lunch after a shoot. It's called Botejyu and apparently the specialty is kinda like the Japanese version of pizza. Quite unique.

It looks very unappetizing but inside this pile of mush are generous helping of prawns & scallops (cuz i ordered seafood flavor). U can also add chilli flakes & seawood for extra taste so it's not too bad. Though i still prefer other Jap food like sushi and ramen. I'm a ramen-lover! I want to eat Spala! :D
Watched 'Bedtime Stories' with Mr. X on Tuesday & it's silly. It started to get boring halfway & it's seriously not worth watching. Plus there was this irritating couple sitting beside us in the cinema who kept talking very loudly & i was quite pissed cuz Mr. X alr told them to keep their volume down politely & they obviously do not understand English. WTF. I mean, do u wanna talk or do u wanna watch the movie? If u wanna talk then just get out of the cinema la! I just cleared my throat very loudly & glared at them so that they would get the idea. To be honest i wanted to scold them but i know Mr. X would be pai-seh...so no choice. Suffer in silence.

I bought my third book of the Twilight series 'Eclipse' from Kinokuniya & then had kopi @ Toastbox @ Wisma. Camwhoring time. I was laughing cuz Mr. X was like 'nice pic...but got weird person behind u'. Duh. That person was just minding his own business, not as if he wants to be in the pic on purpose so to this random coffee-drinker: sorry! Hope u dun mind.
So many things, so little time. Gotta do my CNY shopping & springcleaning soon! Maybe i can put a 'before & after' pic of my room on this blog after the springcleaning gets done. We'll see.
Overdue entry
POSTED ON Wednesday, January 14, 2009 AT 4:16 AM \\
School's been keeping me really really busy these days & i've neglected to blog.
So here are some long overdue updates that have been pending...
X'mas eve - quiet BBQ dinner with family & co.

Yeah we were having a BBQ at the corridor/lift lobby area at a relative's place! Har har. It was kinda fun though, & i didn't even have to barbeque the food myself. All i had to do was sit & eat & my somewhat pathetic post-dinner entertainment was...

Tadah! Rubik's cube! Ok i admit - i SUCK at it. This picture shows the closest i actually came to completing one face of the entire cube, & i wasn't even close! And patience obviously not being one of my virtues, i gave up after like 15 mins. Grrrr! I salute anyone who can complete this damn thing.
New Yr's eve - Dinner with Mr. X

Mr. X brought me to California Pizza Kitchen(CPK for short, sounds like some expressway rite?) & since it was my 1st time there i wasn't sure what to order. We ended up sharing the soup which is a combi of 2 diff soups (i can't rem what they were) & it was pretty yummy. I actually thought we were supposed to mix them up before drinking, which would have been kinda gross. The Peking duck pizza was Mr. X's recommendation but ugh. i didn't really like it. It's like Chinese+Western fusion pizza & i'm definitely not an adventurous person when it comes to my food. Bleah. The Kungpao chicken spaghetti (another east-meets-west dish) was not too bad though, unfortunately there r no pics of it here cuz i devoured it before i could rem to take a pic=P
Apart from pigging out, here's an item i saw at a recent IKEA trip with a fren that i wanted to buy:

It's a coat rack & obviously i think it's damn useful for hanging stuff like jackets and caps & bags etc. The thing costs $49 & the only problem is figuring out where i can place it cuz there seriously isn't anymore space in my cluttered room for it. Arghhh! If i wanna buy it i'm gonna do it before CNY. Then i could do my spring cleaning & put it to use. I just love IKEA stuff! Just wait til i get my own home...then i'm gonna decorate the place according to the IKEA catalouges :D
More overdue updates coming up...*yawns*
*I dun like the person i've become...*
Lil' Ms Bitchy
About Me ♥
♥ Born Oct 8
♥ A skeptic, a jaded cynic,
not a complicated woman,
just very good at complicating things
♥ Hobbies:
*Reading fluff
*Movies of almost any genre except slasher flicks
*Lazing in bed
*Watching mindless TV
*Anything chocolate
*McCafe frappes
*Junk food
*Red meat
*Lip gloss
*The smell of new books!
*Big words
*Edward Cullen
*Mr. X=D
*Animal cruelty
*Injustice of ANY kind, big or small
*Being misunderstood/judged=/
*Not being able to stand up for herself
*Traffic jams
*Exorbitant ERP
*Being lied to
*Getting my heart broken
*Fighting with X=/
*Feeling insecure
*Double standards
*I have a nasty temper
*I'm unbelievably stubborn
*I'm unladylike, contrary to my appearance
*I hate veggies
*I don't cook
*I'm effectively bilingual
*I'm not exactly fond of children
*I'm actually really insecure
*I'm a finicky eater
*I hate wedding dinners
*I'm not a romantic, though I want to believe
*I love Guitar Hero
*I want an iPhone!
*I can be clingy when in a relationship
*It takes me really long to get into/over a relationship
monthly archives